Rof Si Photondetector Avalanche Photodiodes Am Ddim Rhedeg Synhwyrydd Ffoton Sengl Rhedeg
Mae'r cynnyrch hwn yn synhwyrydd ffoton sengl band golau gweladwy (ffotodetector). Mae'r ddyfais graidd yn defnyddio SIAPD, yn integreiddio technolegau optegol, strwythurol, trydanol a meddalwedd, ac mae ganddo nodweddion effeithlonrwydd canfod uchel, cynnal a chadw cryf a gallu i addasu amgylcheddol cryf. Fe'i defnyddir yn helaeth ym meysydd lidar ffoton sengl, canfod fflwroleuedd, delweddu ffoton sengl a dosbarthiad allweddol cwantwm. Mae'r cynnyrch hwn yn defnyddio ffotodiodau eirlithriad Si sy'n gweithredu yn y modd geiger ar gyfer canfod ffoton sengl mewn tonfeddi gweladwy. Yn eu plith, yr effeithlonrwydd canfod nodweddiadol o ffoton sengl 850nm yw> 50%, cyfrif tywyll
Cyfres ROF -BPR 200M Modiwl Canfod Golau Ffotodetector Cytbwys
ROF -BPR series of balanced light detection module (balanced photodetector)integrates two matching photodiode and an ultra-low noise transimpedance amplifier, effectively reducing the laser noise and common mode noise, improving the system's noise ratio, having a variety of spectral response optional , Low noise, high gain, easy to use and so on, Mainly being used for spectroscopy, Canfod heterodyne, mesur oedi optegol, tomograffeg cydlyniant optegol a meysydd eraill.
ROF -BPR series of balanced light detection module (balanced photodetector)integrates two matching photodiode and an ultra-low noise transimpedance amplifier, effectively reducing the laser noise and common mode noise, improving the system's noise ratio, having a variety of spectral response optional , Low noise, high gain, easy to use and so on, Mainly being used for spectroscopy, Canfod heterodyne, mesur oedi optegol, tomograffeg cydlyniant optegol a meysydd eraill.
ROF -BPR series of balanced light detection module (balanced photodetector)integrates two matching photodiode and an ultra-low noise transimpedance amplifier, effectively reducing the laser noise and common mode noise, improving the system's noise ratio, having a variety of spectral response optional , Low noise, high gain, easy to use and so on, Mainly being used for spectroscopy, Canfod heterodyne, mesur oedi optegol, tomograffeg cydlyniant optegol a meysydd eraill.
ROF -BPR series of balanced light detection module (balanced photodetector)integrates two matching photodiode and an ultra-low noise transimpedance amplifier, effectively reducing the laser noise and common mode noise, improving the system's noise ratio, having a variety of spectral response optional , Low noise, high gain, easy to use and so on, Mainly being used for spectroscopy, Canfod heterodyne, mesur oedi optegol, tomograffeg cydlyniant optegol a meysydd eraill.
ROF -BPR series of balanced light detection module (balanced photodetector)integrates two matching photodiode and an ultra-low noise transimpedance amplifier, effectively reducing the laser noise and common mode noise, improving the system's noise ratio, having a variety of spectral response optional , Low noise, high gain, easy to use and so on, Mainly being used for spectroscopy, Canfod heterodyne, mesur oedi optegol, tomograffeg cydlyniant optegol a meysydd eraill.